Technology in Schools Survey Report: 2022/23

This is a must-read for school leaders and staff involved in IT and Digital Transformation.

Updated and released at the end of November 2023, thousands of responses were submitted to the Technology in Schools Survey 2022 – 23 (TISS) with school leaders, teachers and IT leads sharing their opinions on the state of technology in education over the last 12 months.

Subjects within the survey and their responses included:

  • strategic planning and decision-making
  • current usage levels
  • quality and impact of technology used
  • barriers to increased use of technology
  • infrastructure, technical support
  • safety and cyber security
  • staff capability

Read the full report here.


The conclusion showed that there is still much for schools to do and learn for effective deployment of technology and increased confidence for staff users. It was also clear that many schools and IT leaders were unfamiliar with the guidance outlined in the DfE Digital and Technology Standards and therefore missing the opportunity to benchmark and make development plans for moving forward.

But that’s where Dataspire can help. As well as supporting schools with day-to-day IT issues, we work in partnership with you to develop ICT strategies and meet the Digital standards that will future-proof and transform education.

Get in touch and let’s discuss how we can work with you to design and develop your ICT strategy.

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