Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024: A Summary
The DfE has updated its statutory guidance on ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (KCSIE) for 2024. The guidance goes live on 2 September and continues to play an important role in protecting children and young people. Learn more...
Enhancing School Cyber Security: A Guide to the Updated Cyber Security Standards
Read the summary of what schools, colleges and trusts are expected to deliver in terms of the updated Cyber Security Standards, and guidance to help you meet them.
Servers and Storage: A Guide to the DfE Standards
Read the summary of what schools, colleges and trusts are expected to deliver in terms of Servers and Storage, and guidance to help you meet the DfE Digital and Technology standards.
Digital Accessibility: A Guide to the DfE Standards
Read the summary of what schools, colleges and trusts are expected to deliver in terms of Digital Accessibility and guidance to help you meet the DfE standards.
Digital Leadership and Governance: A Guide to the DfE Standards
Read the summary of what schools, colleges and trusts are expected to deliver in terms of Digital Leadership and Governance, and guidance to help you meet the DfE standards.
Laptops, Desktops and Tablets: A Guide to the DfE Standards
Read the summary of what schools, colleges and trusts are expected to deliver in terms Laptops, Desktops and Tablets and guidance to help you choose devices that are suitable for your needs.