Moving your school to the cloud: Is now the right time?
The cloud makes life easier for everyone and if recent events have taught us anything, it’s that teaching and learning, supported by technology, doesn’t have to be restricted to a singular location. Over the last few years, schools migrating to the cloud has gone from an impossible dream to a reality and here are all the reasons why:

How can you improve your school’s online capabilities?
Now more than ever, schools need (and want) a reliable Internet connection that will enhance teaching and learning, parental engagement, data management and overall school business administration. So, without reliable broadband, what does your school day look like?

How to make your school’s ICT budget go further
With new skills required for our future workforce, the technology to teach these constantly evolving, plus the associated costs of keeping pace, is now a good time for schools to reconsider their leasing options?

How to unlock funding while reducing your carbon footprint
As schools, you’re often faced with the seemingly contradictory challenge of keeping pace with emerging technologies, while simultaneously becoming more energy efficient to reduce your impact on the environment, but how can you effectively do both?

Enabling your ICT vision: now and into the future
With increasingly advanced technologies required in schools, how are you keeping pace and what does the ICT strategy look like at your school?

Virtual Teaching and Learning: How is the experiment going so far?
How did the forced shift to remote teaching and virtual learning work out? How was the virtual classroom experiment for schools, teachers and students?